Looking for some sun in The Canaries- Tenerife

Looking for some sun in The Canaries- Tenerife

In January, when the sun is missing in Paris, it is good to try to find a place where the sun is showing up most of the time! This year, we went to Tenerife, an island of The Canaries.

We spent a few days in La Laguna: at first rainy days, then clearing up! Anyway, the temperatures were much higher than at home!

We then climbed up in the mountains to see Teide volcano (the highest summit in Spain). We did some hikes in the park, but not up to summit (above 3000 m high)!

In Puerta de la Cruz, we visited the botanic garden…

We hiked around la Punta de Teno. The following day, we went to see the Gigantes

It was great to feel the sun ….

After a week, it was time to go back home, facing the cold weather…

We had a great time in Tenerife! When traveling, I always keep in mind that if I am lucky enough to be able to do so, it is because I had the chance to be saved by the fantastic team of doctors at Saint Antoine Hospital, and in particular my wonderful graft doctor! Of course, I don’t forget my donor and my family and friends! I love you all…

New Year!

New Year!

Greetings from Bures-France! We are already in the first week of the New Year! Time is flying! The older I get, the shorter the weeks last ;-)!

This Christmas, we had the chance to have our Canadians visiting us! It was short, but we really enjoyed it! Great memories…

We spent the New Year’s Eve visiting Versailles Castel. It was a special event (Le parcours du Roi). We visited mainly la galerie des glaces, les chambres du roi et de la reine, la galerie des batailles… Several “spectacles ” were presented at various spots during the visit: ballets, musicians, singers… All ended up by a “feu d’artifice” in front of the palace….

To start well this new year, we visited “la fondation Vuitton” where was organized an exhibit called “Claude Monet-Joan Mitchell”. Always a great experience to visit this wonderful piece of architecture!

I had also the chance to continue/resume my artistic work, modeling and stained glass. Some of the projects are still in progress…

It is the time of the year, when I want to whish all my friends and family an Happy New Year! My special thoughts are going to the people at Saint Antoine Hospital Department of Hematology and in particular to my wonderful graft doctor: after 6 years I am still around :-)!

I love you!